Tips to Plan A Quick Wedding
One of the biggest wedding trends for 2020 is uncertainty. Covid-19 closures, openings, and now emerging hotspots are making it really hard for couples to plan and execute their weddings. Weddings are still happening; they are just evolving with the times. Big weddings that take a year to plan are definitely out for 2020. It is not too late or impossible to still plan and enjoy your wedding in 2020, the key is to keep it small and simple. Here are some tips to plan a quick wedding.
Think Small
Wedding planning can be daunting and overwhelming. The key to planning a quick successful wedding is to stick to the important things and think small. The first step is to nail down your budget. The next step is to create your guest list. The rule of thumb for 2020 weddings is 20 or under. That may seem impossible but people will understand, keep it to your most inner circle. You can always live-stream the event for those that are not invited in person.
Find a Venue
The next step is to find a venue. You probably will not be able to book a venue like a hotel ballroom or church quickly and many venues are still closed. Think outside the box, outdoor weddings (which we specialize in) are safer and easier to social distance. A restaurant would welcome renting out their empty dining room for a private event. Remember, your guest list is small so be creative.
Use Local Vendors
You will probably not be able to book the top wedding vendors in your city on such short notice. The key is to think outside the box. Find a small local florist and keep the flowers simple. Instead of a wedding caterer, hire a local chef or your favorite local restaurant. Supporting small local businesses with your wedding is a great thing for your community. Instead of an open bar, buy in bulk from local wineries and breweries. You can find the services you need for your event outside of the go-to wedding vendors. At Hidden River Events, we keep it real simple for you and specialize in all-inclusive weddings. We know all the best local vendors and we grow our own flowers!
Don’t Forget the Legal Stuff
Do not forget the officiant and the legal stuff. Make sure you get the marriage license in plenty of time. If you are planning a wedding in under 3 months forgo the paper invites for e-vites. You will need a final headcount for the venue and catering so skip the printer and snail-mail. Finding an officiant during a pandemic could be problematic. We offer officiant services or have a friend ordained to perform the ceremony. Anyone can get ordained online with Universal Life Church.
Hidden River Events can help you plan that fast wedding without all the legwork. We are a venue with many, many unique outdoor and indoor locations for your ceremony. We grow their own flowers on-site and the owner is not just an officiant but an ordained minister. Many of their vendors are available and flexible during this unusual time. Take advantage of our Wedding Specials! We are offering phenomenal discounts for some dates coming up in 2020.
We Specialize in All-Inclusive
At first, we thought all-inclusive meant just having all the infrastructure ready to go for the couple, so what looks like such a simply beautiful, largely outdoor wedding could be as clean and simple as the lines of the tent. There should be no hassles about getting in all the infrastructure and having it ready for your wedding. We did not want to witness a rental truck showing up at the last minute and a mom or bridesmaid, or the couple themselves, setting up chairs and tables–even mowing the yard–on the morning of the wedding. These were all things Jeanne witnessed repeatedly over the years. No wonder people were exhausted before their wedding even began…